Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Daily Sutras

Once you are able to see the light, you see the entire past as a dream, move on. Wake up and see the present, you will find happiness is there, unconditional happiness. Then you are happy and not dependant on others for your happiness. Happiness depends only on your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there.

Love is love, you can’t call it is true or false. We don’t doubt hate. What is the guarantee that people hate you? Love is our nature. Because of desires & greed our love is not expressed sometimes. No prani (living being) exists without priti (love). Prana (life-force energy) springs from love. Million atoms together form the body. Without love the atoms would be separated and that is death. Don’t doubt love!

When thoughts come normally we try to chase them. The more you try to chase them, they become bigger & get a hold of you. Good thoughts come you say come, come, come. Bad thoughts come, you say, go, go, go. You need to be skillful, let them come, be there, give them a hug, they disappear. They are scared of you so thoughts run away. That is why to begin with it’s good to do it with a guided CD or guided meditation.

Don’t be stuck with words. Your worries are words. Your ideas are words. Wisdom is beyond words. It is your very Being, the essence of all words. See and relate beyond words. Then there is no lie in your life. If you manipulate words, it is a lie; If you play on words, it is a joke; If you rely on words, it is ignorance; If you transcend words, it is wisdom.

When the mind is still, it gets the power to fulfill any thought. So, not only can you fulfill your thoughts, but also you get the power to bless others to fulfill their thoughts. It should be a thought that you believe in. It can’t be something like you go to the moon. Any practical, possible thought you put the intention on, it starts manifesting. The basis is no mindness, empty mind.

When you move with a connection to the divinity there is nothing that is richer than this. That rich feeling comes inside you when you feel connected to the divinity, connected to the infinite. When the wave remembers that it is connected to the ocean, that it is part of the ocean, that strength is enormous!

The Bible says,’ those who have, more will be given to them; those who do not have, whatever little they have will also be taken away’. Feeling that abundance, you recognize you have been given plenty. And more will come to you!

Nature gives the strength to endure the suffering and walk through with strength. An animal is given only that heavy a tail, which it can wag. Just imagine a rat having the tail of an elephant. Nature is very intelligent. It only gives you that problem which you can handle.

Devotion is the zenith of Love. ‘Saa tvasmin parama prema rupa’ - Embodiment of supreme love for the divine is devotion. You can’t posses God. In routine love affairs, you love someone and you expect the same in return. You can’t claim a right on God. Love for that infinite consciousness is devotion.

Enlightenment is the biggest happiness. Why to go after small happiness when the biggest is there? It is not easy to believe in God. God is there: if you experience this then the mind calms down. Then you find only God is there and I don’t exist.

Our body belongs to this society/ this world and the world/society will take care of it. You belong to the Divine and the Divine will take care of you. In fact the Divine is taking care of you. Make this distinction that you are separate from your body. As soon as you do this you will see that you are separate from your body, you belong to the Divine.

'Vasudeva Sarvatra iti' - Divinity is everywhere. If everything is God, then it is not difficult to see God. The one who recognizes the divinity in everything and everybody, is enlightened!!

That which you cannot express is Love. That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty. That which you cannot avoid is the Truth

How do you know when to sleep, and when to eat? When you get tired, you know you need sleep, when you get hungry, you know its time to eat. Like that everyday take a break to be in meditation then you become recharged and can work better.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Daily Sutras

Conflict is always emotional. Resolution is intellectual. Emotional conflict can’t be dealt with emotions. Similarly an intellectual argument can't be dealt with intellect. The emotional side has to be considered. If u observe carefully there is a stream of emotions behind an intellectual argument. Life is a fine balan...ce between emotions & intellect. When to use what, is real wisdom which comes through meditation!

What is the sign of the dawning of wisdom? Prasanna chitta (pleasant state of mind) is a sign. Friendliness, foresight, intuition, a mind in the present moment – these are signs of wisdom.

Love cannot be known or understood. It can be felt only. The child doesn’t ask his mother – ‘What is your qualification, what do you do? Who are your friends? Tell me, then I'll love you’. Just like our body is made up of carbohydrates and amino acids, we are made up of this substance called love. Anger, greed, jealousy are all just distortions of love.

If a runner starts looking behind at who is running, and not looking at the path he needs to run on, then ultimately he will lose, no matter how good the runner may be. You have to follow your own track, to complete the run whether you lose or win.

There are seven chakras in the body. When energy finds its way through these seven chakras, different emotions rise. When energy fully expresses itself through these seven chakras, then such perfection is attained that your desire gets fulfilled even before it arises. That is Kundalini shakti!

When you react, what happens? You regret afterwards. Reaction happens through an emotional upsurge. When someone says something you don’t like, your emotions swell up. Anything you do in an emotionally disturbed state, you repent afterwards. When emotions are on peak, the intellect goes in background. Your actions are ...from the intellect and your reactions are from emotions.

People say knowledgeable is one who kills one’s feelings. No, it’s not like that. Sadbhav, saintly feelings continue to exist. Lord Krishna also said in the Bhagwad Geeta ‘One who is not tied to me - the Consciousness, Higher Self - has neither intellect nor feelings. Without feelings and intellect, there is no question of peace or happiness.

When you focus on each other too much, then fights happen. If you both have a common goal, to serve, to uplift the society, then fights don’t happen and love blossoms. In the Indian marriage tradition, there is a ceremony called the saptapadi, the seven steps, which the couple has to take together. One of these steps (...signifying vows) is that the couple work together for the upliftment of society.

It’s ok if you get angry. Don’t get angry because you got angry. Sometimes you feel good, sometimes you feel bad. Life is like a jungle. Thorns are also there, flowers are also there, fruits, peacocks, deer, lions, tigers everything is there. Just be natural, easy and relax. Take things as they come and move forward. Don’t get stuck in a place.

The world is a beautiful package, the world is not bad. It's a wrapping paper to you. A beautiful gift is given to you with a very wonderful wrapping paper around it. But if you are stuck with the wrapping paper, the package of the gift, you will not even open it, you will not see the gift that has been given inside the package to you. This is what most people do.

The fire element symbolizes knowledge. It also symbolizes lust. From the fire of lust, the element gets transformed into the fire of knowledge.And that is the whole aim or purpose of human life. We are born out of fire - the fire of lust. We cannot simply remain in that state. We have to rise to the fire of awareness, knowledge.

Wonder in anyone’s eyes is a charm in itself. Children look so beautiful, you know why? Because they have a wonder in their eyes. Wonder indicates liveliness. When you lose all wonder in your life, you become very inert, dull and lifeless. Sign of life is wonder and thats why nature has created so many things to wonder about and make life wonderful!

When you say that something does not exist in this creation, you need to know everything about the creation. Who knows everything about this creation now? You can only say, “I don’t know whether it exists or not”. An atheist claims that something doesn’t exist. That is very difficult to say when you don’t know the entire time and space. Do you know everything in this time and space, in this creation?

Keep the mind clean, free from craving and aversion. A disciple should not have space for hatred. There will be 100,000 things that will try to disturb your balance. Offer your dislikes, mentally surrender it to the river and let it all be washed away. Let Kama(desire), krodha(anger), lobha(greed), moha(attachment), maya(arrogance) be burnt in the fire. Let the nirmala jyoti (pure blemish-less light) be lit in me.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Daily Sutras

Prayer happens in two conditions. One is when you are utterly grateful and second is when you are utterly helpless, nowhere to go. Both are authentic and always get fulfilled. Being both together, helpless and grateful, is very rare and very powerful. It is a total form of prayer.

Be Like water. When stones are there on the path of water, what does it do? Water rises above the stones and flows. Similarly obstacles are there in life. You rise above obstacles and move through it. Have patience and flow over them.

Don’t focus on what others want! See what is it that you want. When you stop looking inside and look at others, that is when you miss the boat.

The desire to have self realization - This is the highest desire, the only one worth pursuing. Whether you acknowledge this or not, everyone has come to this planet with this desire. If you have recognized this it’s very good.

A city without streets, a king without treasure, a merchant without business, a life without wisdom, a life without a Guru, are all considered the same.

Life is a mixture of everything: failure & success - they complement each other. If you fail, then you know the value of success, it is a stepping stone.You need to move forward: ask yourself, what did I learn from the past, and then what is my vision for the future? This will keep you going. For this, you need presenc...e of mind, and for this, you need to get rid of stress.

If you think you are just the body that is not possible because the body has its limitations. If you think that you are the mind then that is also not possible because the mind too has its limitations. It is just another layer of our existence. You are Silence! You are Space!

You surrender only that which has happened, which is past. Future is anyways out of your control. We burden the mind with the memories of the past. Let go of the event which has gone and left its shadow, impression in the consciousness. What else can you surrender? Money, etc already belong to the Divine. Surrendering doership, ‘mine’, ‘me’ is surrender.

Sage Narad says, ‘Yoga chitta vritti nirodha’ means 'silencing the tendencies of your mind.’ ‘Tadha drustu swarupe avastanam’ which means ‘Yoga is the skill of being established in the Seer from the scene’ - To go within and be established in the seer. With this notion, meditation starts to happen. Then Samadhi follows.... Your mind is totally calm. For a moment you experience that complete nothingness, emptiness

The mind is like the wave and the Soul is like the ocean. And the connection between the two is that the mind cannot be without the soul, but the soul can exist without the mind. So in meditation you drop the mind, you become one with the totality that is the ocean. Therefore there are both existing together, the mind well as the soul, like the wave as well as the ocean.

When you feel anger inside, do you notice the sensation? Forget about the other person. It is the sensation which is giving you trouble. When you focus on the sensation, it gets dissolved. Why should you spoil your own nervous system? Why should you spoil your own beautiful body because someone said something. You know..., 72 muscles are strained when you frown. Your body becomes a wreck!

You don’t need to worry to maintain knowledge. When knowledge is lodged in you as wisdom, it will never leave you. Wisdom lodges itself in your heart when you Make the Divine your Valentine (your sweet Beloved). Keep your heart in a safe place; it is too delicate. Events, small things make strong impressions on it. And... you cannot find a better place than the Divine to keep your heart safe and your mind sane.

Guruji, what is the purpose of my life? Sri Sri: You are very lucky. So many people live life never asking this question. Nurture it. You have this question in your heart, you are very lucky. I will tell you one thing. One who knows the answer to this question will not tell you and one who tells you does not know.

Again and again, being in the knowledge will clean your mind and intellect. Between you and the Divine is the intellect. Through knowledge, this separation can be removed. Through devotion, meditation and knowledge, the separation dissolves.

There is no expectation of qualification to attain the Divine. No need for any effort. Just be. Akinchan- I am nobody Aprayatna - I do nothing Achaha - I want nothing!

Against such knowledge, you will not be able to give me anything. If you really want to give me anything, give me your worries, your pain, leave it for me here as your Dakshina. And the other thing that you can do is seva. Spread smiles to everyone you come across. But even that wont make 1/10 of what I have given you.... And surrender every good thing that you do, know that you are offering a Guru Dakshina! - Sri Sri

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Daily Sutras

Keep immersing in knowledge, you don't have to apply it, it applies itself. Remind yourself of the knowledge. Focus on the knowlede, don't get entangled in the people around you. Satsang is to be in touch with the inner being. Instead you start judging, having different types of interaction with people, this is not Satsang!

The Upanishads tell about the experience of divinity in four stages for the Seekers:Saameepya: feeling the proximity of the Divine, Sannidhya: feeling the Presence, Saaroopya: doing what the Divine is doing, imitating the Divine, Saayoojya: Merging with the Divine.

Akshat means something that cannot be destroyed. In physics it is said that an atom can never be destroyed. Our ancestors brought this truth to light millions of years ago. They said that not even a grain is destroyed. It may lose its form but is never destroyed. Shat means destruction. Akshat means that which cannot b...e destroyed. Like a seed we sow is never destroyed, it takes different forms and exists.

There is no need to go on long pilgrimages to find the Divine. If you don’t find God here, where you are, then it is not possible anywhere else. Where the mind dissolves, Shiva is there. Be established wherever you are. The moment you are established, centered, you see that there is Divinity present everywhere. This is meditation.

Prayer is asking God for something, meditation is listening to God! In prayer, you ask, ‘Give me this, give me that’, giving instructions, demanding. In meditation, you say, ‘I am here to listen, what is it that you want to tell? Tell me, whenever you are free, I am here. Culmination of prayer is meditation. When prayer goes to the peak, that is meditation.

Parmatma is the sun, devta is its ray. Without the sun, there is no ray and without the ray, there is no sun. A ray has all seven colors, these all different devtas. God is the combination of all the seven colors. God is certainly not made of one color. When all colors combine, white is obtained and that is Parmatma.

When you start finding source of thought, you have started on a journey for which you are here. Our journey is to find the source, from where this thought has arisen. I want all of you to be scientists. Scientist goes on experimenting, asking questions. It’s a very good opportunity to find out where it comes from? What... is its origin? Since it comes in you, you find its answer.

If the room is dark for 20 years, it doesn’t take another 20 years to bring light in. it just needs one connection, one switch on and the whole darkness goes away. Your life may have been miserable in the past, but wake up and see. Look at your past, problems came and they have all vanished. Right? The problem is not there. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional!

A Guru only wants the disciple to progress, to blossom, not to be unstable, just be happy, unselfish and serve people. And whatever a disciple wants from Guru, Guru keeps on bestowing that. Initially, a disciple asks for little things and then asks for great things. The Guru sometimes gives him the little things he wants and sometimes doesn't! :)

Devotion is the zenith of Love. ‘Saa tvasmin panama prema rupa’ - Embodiment of supreme love for the divine is devotion. You can’t posses God. In routine love affairs, you love someone and you expect the same in return. You can’t claim a right on God. Love for that infinite consciousness is devotion.

Feelings are superficial. If you think the feeling is the depth, then you have not gone deep. Feeling is deeper than thinking. But feelings change. Whatever is the deepest doesn't change.

When you react, what happens? You regret afterwards. Reaction happens through an emotional upsurge. When someone says something you don’t like, your emotions swell up. Anything you do in an emotionally disturbed state, you repent afterwards. When emotions are on peak, the intellect goes in background. Your actions are ...from the intellect and your reactions are from emotions.

When ur heart opens up tears come, it’s natural. Let it be. It is said in scriptures that tears of love are so precious that even angels run to collect them. The most wonderful thing on the planet is to have tears of love & gratitude. That makes our life rich & fulfilled. Fulfillment in life is having tears of gratitud...e.You can’t manufacture them. When U realize what all U have received in life, your heart opens up!

Enlightenment is a connection with the universal spirit, realizing that U R part of it, you are that. Living unconditional love without any effort! All these qualities are there in every individual. It only needs a little nurturing & it starts blossoming. Walk like U're enlightened. Enjoy the freedom! When U don’t have... any cravings & aversions of ur own then U can give yourself a certificate that you are enlightened!

God is hungry for feelings. He doesn’t need your sweets or flowers. So if you sit with feelings, that is enough. See Krishna everywhere. Lord Krishna says in the Gita, “Wherever you see in any form, I am there. I am knowledge in a knowledgeable person, I am strength in the strong, beauty in the beautiful, all is me”. R...ead the Gita deeply and best is to meditate. Be a yogi!

Just be happy and keep your heart clean and soft. When you doubt, when you are angry or frustrated, your heart and feelings get hardened. With the knowledge and wisdom, your heart remains soft and supple.

If you keep doing the same thing again and again, knowing that it brings you misery, you really don’t understand it brings you misery or you think it brings you some pleasure. Craving for pleasure and non-awareness that it is going to cause you misery are two things which makes you commit the same mistake again and again. That’s why they’re called habits.

The solar plexus is called the second brain or mid brain. For a yogi, the solar plexus is larger in size. Scientists have also said this. It is small in a person who doesn’t do yoga and meditation. A yogi who does meditation and yoga has a larger solar plexus. When solar plexus is larger, creativity dominates and generosity rises. When it is smaller, jealousy arises!

To begin a practice you have to put in effort. But once you are on the path, you have to relax. You won’t reach any faster if you keep running inside the train. Know that all is done for you. You don’t have to put effort. There is effort to light a candle. Once it is lit then no effort is required to pull the light out... of the candle. Light is coming to you on its own. But you have to light the candle first!

Once you are able to see the light, you see the entire past as a dream, move on. Wake up and see the present, you will find happiness is there, unconditional happiness. Then you are happy and not dependant on others for your happiness. Happiness depends only on your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there.

Where do I go to find happiness? Be Antarmukhi (go within). Outside is a bazaar, a market. In the city market, below the bridge, people will be sleeping! You can learn from them. They can sleep in the middle of the bazaar. You can also meditate and be calm. Become Antarmukhi!

Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that one who is dear to me, who doesn’t hate anybody, who doesn’t have any ego – I, I, me. One who is calm in success or failure. Whatever he gets - sorrow or happiness - he takes it all with a smile.

When mind is free from lust, greed, possessiveness, arrogance etc, when the mind is in the pure form with which we were all born with, then nature listens to you. You are a child of nature and nature loves you. When that manifests, when you are clear; then two things happen - your wishes get fulfilled and you can fulfill others’ wishes also.

Don’t try to see Divinity. Take it for granted. It is there like the air. Eyes can’t see it. When your mind is totally relaxed you feel that the whole universe is filled with Divinity. You find that the chirping of the birds is Divinity, the moving of leaves is Divinity, the flowing of water is Divinity, You will find ...that beyond all this phenomenon, there is a field or phenomena that exists – that is Divinity.

Longing and love are two sides of the same coin. You can’t say, ‘I love you but I don’t long for you’. And it is impossible to long for someone without having love. That is why it is said: ‘RadheShyam’. Radha is longing and Sham is love. RadheSham (longing and love) go together in life.